

    Trinity Buoy Wharf lighthouse opening times
    11 June 2009

    From the 21st June 2009 the listening post in the lighthouse, at Trinity Buoy Wharf, will be open every weekend. During the summer months this will be from 11 am until 5 pm.

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  • Roundhouseplan

    Longplayer Live 2009
    30 January 2009

    A live performance of a 1000 minute section of Longplayer is currently in the planning stages. It will be played on a 25 metre wide instrument made up of six concentric circles of Tibetan Singing Bowls. Based on Jem Finer’s graphic score for 234 bowls and six players, the concert is scheduled to take place at…

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  • alaindebotton

    The Artangel Longplayer Conversation 2008 : film & recording
    17 September 2008

    A recording of The Artangel Longplayer Conversation 2008 which took place between Alain de Botton and George Soros can be found on the conversation page. In addition there is a short film on The Guardian’s website. The Artangel Longplayer Conversation invites two cultural thinkers, aware of each other’s work but never having met, to engage…

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